Check out these new additives for ending automotive engine problems faster cheaper better

Ending automotive engine problems cheaper faster better.

I'm glad you came here for help. 

     For First Timers, please read this page to get you startedr . And use the menu buttons to find your ending options. Below, walk you through my DIY ravings on the way they do so.

Bumper to bumper solutions for ending their problems cheaper faster better."

   More on ending automotive engine problems cheaper faster better

 Hi! I'm george Christ.  Here for the first time?

    I'm here with my website and alternative repair methods background to show you an amazing way to end your car, truck, and equipment problems. To end their suddenly-appearing, tuneup, engine, transmission, radiator, power steering, and a/c operating problems - cheaper, faster, and with better results - yourself.

    One of my instructors, Bud Esterlin, the inventor of these products and his Mega Power Additives Researchers wondered if there could be a shortcut to really end most vehicle problems "out of a can?" - and this site shows their how to use what they discovered to do so with.  

 More on ending automotive engine problems cheaper faster better.

Their discovery - The way to extend vehicle life by reversing vehicle problems to end them! 

Introducing: Mega Power Inducing Automotive Treatments. 

The first Do-it-your-self, ADD-N-DRIVE line of additives for the pro and now indiviuals to end over 400 bumper-to-bumper problems- without tearing apart the component to do so.

How they do so...

Using a technique around since the 1940's but with today's chemical advances, They Makes Anything Big Run Stronger By Reversing Their Internal Negative Causes. For Cars, Diesel Rigs. Farm Tractors. Generators. Marine Diesels. Race Cars, Even Machining. 

 More on ending automotive engine problems cheaper faster better on engine problem-solving and anti-wear Treatments to fix operating and mechanical issues, avoiding their expensive repair need. 

  • Ends fuel injector and engine tune troubles 
  • Ends bumper-to-bumper problems right before your eyes
  • Avoids repair doing what repair does, but chemically 
  • Reduces the repair expense - one of its goals
  • Returns your vehicles New-like State - its second purpose
  • Reduce roadside breakdown fears.
  • Its works in minutes. 
  • Its easy to install.
  • It Cost about $150 for cars. $400 for diesels.
  • A fraction of what actual repair charges to do so
  • Lowers the cost to own and maintain vehicles 
  • It ends the problem or no charge!

    Now, for the first time, you can add our favored line of additives - the Mega Power Brand to for their superior way to end the most complex of automotive internal problems and return a super lube enhancing troubleFREE state we Guarantee. Even a serious problem. They all have a cause-removing negative we figured out how to remove. 

The Mega Power Engine FixHer Idea Is Different

   Mega Power Brand Superior Ingredients are what returns trouble-free operation in this way:

  • Mega Power is not a repackager of someone elses product. 
  • Their research developed treatments packaged as a service to end fuel and engine problems. Transmission, Power Steering, Power Takeoff, Radiator, and head gasket leak, and engine overhating problems. Those gear growls. Lower A/C vent Teperatures. 
  • Results return strong, smooth engine  and component performance beginning as soon as you add them to the vehicle. 

How ending automotive engine problems cheaper faster better do so:

  • Using the engine's own worst enemies to help reverse the problem cause. 
  • Removing metal melting temperatures, extreme pressures, and acid and sludge buildup to reverse the problem cause. It's drained out during an oil change.
  • Adds to its fixing ability they add Mega Power's famous smoothing of worn, rough rubbing surfaces with their MC+ ingredient which also removes wears - and friction drag. This also slows interanal wear-out to a crawl, promoting DECADES LONGER USAGE.
  • For actual repair, Mega Power completes the usual ignored repaired items - those not replaced, and adds  a smmothness the partial worn good parts changing them to smooth. A + protective coating fills minor wear spaces giving those parts a smooth and enduring life to match the new ones. Thereby extending the time for them to be replaced

    If totally serviced, these amazing features will return the newlike state your car was in when driven off the assembly line. To a racy, powerful, yet quiet running state you paid so much for.

    To do so is made easy with our add to the component 2 step recipe.

   Any small fleet, and equipment owner can also avoid themselves thousands in engine repair and overhaul expense servicing their heavy equipment in this same 2 step way with the five treatment made for each of the vehicles proponents.

   Order the Mega Power Engine and Component FixHers in gallons for a 50% lower cost per vehicle problem avoided. Service and protect all 5 components and save more $. See your income bottom line rise as our mega Power Treatment kits ends engine and other component  problems - on the fly while still running, avoiding downtime and expensive repair.

Protect all your vehicles while fixing this one with these same products. Order several treatments on the page your problem-solving instructions are given.

They exceed the 25,000 engine service the car makes wants you to do at the car dealership - and at a whole lot lower price. Unlike their products, Mega Power's MC+ doubles and triples the remaining life factor befor wear out occurs.

Since the car/equipment dealer doesn't have the same interest in preserving your vehicle's long-term trouble-free life, you have to try ours if you want that benefit.

You NOW know how to end automotive engine problems cheaper faster and do it better.

 More on ending automotive engine problems cheaper faster better to help you,

    Who dosen't want less-expensive ways to make life easier, and better?

    This is true about vehicles and I can walk you through our way to do so.


 More on ending automotive engine problems cheaper faster better

 I'm here with my website and background with more on ending automotive engine problems cheaper faster better to show you an amazing way to end your car, truck, and equipment suddenly-appearing, tuneup, engine, problems - cheaper, faster, and with better results - yourself.

Bud Esterlin, the inventor and his Mega Power Additives Researchers wondered if there could be a shortcut to really end most vehicle problems "out of a can?" - and this site shows their how to use what they discovered to do so with.  

Their discovery - a way to reverse vehicle problems to end them! 

You would think any ole additive does that but 99% are fakes, copycat ripoffs - mostly sold at part stores. HMMM, I wonder why? You may know store additives have little value.

What does it take to end a vehicles problem? 

  • Mega Powers Researchers found that a vehicles operating and mechanical problems are caused by high temperatures, acidic conditions, and baked-on residues, and friction. 
  • Finding ways to overcome those problems most products ignore, but not this crew! Developing a formulas to cover all those negatives required the help of top chemist and a formula from 1940 added to the mix.
  • Our five solutions on this page and site is their discovery - a shortcut way offering a hopeful solution to end most vehicles problem. It's the real solution and follows a recipe and it works everytime - like making bread! Its our option and it has a money back offer if it fails to do as advertised. 

Now I promote them here explaining how to install them. Why?

What customers say - 

      McDonald says:  "I'm calling to let you know of the progress of your Mega Power Additives on my truck tapping noise. The ticking has not gone away completely, but has quieted down, and I believe it will soon go away. The truck trip to Bernett was asolutly fantastic. The truck ran so well there an back, I forgot it had all those miles on it. I'm sure I'll get many more years out of the truck after seeing that significant fix on the tapping. You're a good man doing this, and I thank you for our many conversations to assure me it was what my truck needed." J McDonald:

Can it work for your car / diesel problem? 

    By reading a few pages and understanding what chemicals can reverse those conditions and using them in a certain way, they will reverse those negative vehicle problems causes and fix them by re conditioning their surfaces. That is our wayof fixing broken parts. Millions are enjoying their vehicles with our method. Details are given on every page specific remedies are given. You can order them and have a period of usage to see for yourself.

Are  these ending automotive engine problems cheaper faster better, guranteed?

     Yes, 101%. A guarantee is included just in case it's true, it is really busted. Did you know, many people use our treatments before committing to a repair to make sure its really broken and to remove gummed up parts, sludge and friction cause they end.  Luckily, it solves the problem in most vehicles and avoids the repair expense.

     Few ever request their money back, even if broken. Why? 

     The powerful cleaning, friction removing feature makes the car truck tractor boat rv machine motorcycle run at its best. It makes spotting th defective part cheaper and lower in cost to find and fix. This often reduces the repari estimate by thousands oof dollars. A darn good idea, wouldnt you say so? 

The real benefit to gain on ending automotive engine problems cheaper faster better

Because nothing else made as an additive ever came close to offering a true solution to address and remove suddenly appearing operating and mechanical problems! Do so by removing the causes of a vehicle problems, nor lower fraction to do so, to lower car repair expenses like Mega Power Treatments do. And none have the  anti-wear , and extend trouble-free longliveity to every vehicle I own. You now are at the start of doing the same. 

Those additives saved me a ton avoiding vehicle problem repair expenses.

I used to have and the savings were used to reduce other family expenses, by avoiding their problem-ending characteristics. Avoiding tens of thousand$ for major car repairs near the end of their life and avoiding replacing them during my lifetime with these products I'll show you, made it possible. They made enjoying vehicles that always run as if newer, better, possible after the fix.

Those are the authentic, original tune and repair option additives I want you to order, to gain those add, drive-to-fix benefits. They are the real auto tune up and repair option for to do any tune up, and end any engine, transmission, radiator, steering, and a/c operating problem. 

A little work, faith, and a little education is needed to implement the fix. You will be amazed at the instant improvement that starts ending your vehicle problem  - or I'll give you back double the products cost for the trouble to find out! 

No tools or skills are needed.  Look into them by reading a few pages on the secrets I reveal tha that do so. 

Those are the I care and repair solutions I tried and found are the superior true way to end avoidable operating and mechanical vehicle problems - no matter in a brand new or old high milage situation!  The cost is nothing to the savings made! Now it's your turn to benefit from them.


     Questions you might ask, this site answers to help you.

  • What are the specific additives and how do they work to fix my automotive problems?

      .... They are listed and detailed on the page your solution is given. Read a few pages to              understand how they do so. Use the menu buttons and links to do so. Call me for help.

  • How long do the effects of the additives last?

      .... The fix are permanent, but valued for adding a racy endurance performance; many auto        repair shops use to add to their repair excellance; top racers use for a race-winning edge.          Maching shops use to extend their cutting efficien that also extends tool life 5 to 10 times.          Indiviuals use to end automotive engine/component operating and mechanical-problem-              ending benefits. 

  • Is it safe to use these additives on all types of vehicles and machinery?  

     .... Yes, safe and in use for small cars to huge equipment. They are not harmful even in               excessive doses, unlike many other products. Packaged with directions and free phone help         for single usage, or in barrels for fleets.

  • How do you apply them:

     .... They are a pour-into-the-engine-or-component-and-drive solution. This action ends your       automotive operating and mechanical problem - avoiding the costly repair method to do so. 

     .... Their science and chemistry involves "stiochiometric recovery." Ending vehicle problems         in an unusual way - by reversing the vehicle's troublemaking causes, instead of replacing the       troublesome parts with new clean ones. 

     .... Every part and air, oil, and rubbing surfaces returns to their best operating state!                   An amazing performance and horsepower boost results and and the most quieting opertion         follows. Installed to end the problem. Installed each oil or fluid change tas the most cost-           effective way to keep avoidable troubles away. Extend the new-like operation indifinitely. 

     What you should know.

    These Little known DIY care/repair "problem solvers" have been making the lives and fortunes of farmers, equipment owners, mechanics, individuals, and companies better by offering the only means known for lowering the bumper-to-bumper cost of repair and premature replacemnt of vehicles, since their discovery in the 1940's.


     Do so on the page your solution is covered.  Sent to yourr home with directions in a       couple days.Now online as your [ bookmark it       to find us again ] There learn how to make your car/equipment problem-solving less worrysome, easier, cheaper, faster, better. 

      They are in an easy-to use kit package containing 3 items needed to clean out the trouble makers, then heal the damage, reversing the cause, ending any operating and mechanical problems like the following.

Click to see how they do so and what to use for your auto tune up and repair options. They make ending car problems cheaper faster better than ever before:

....Once applied, quick results will correct the cause and symptom of your problem.
....Install the auto tune up and repair options helping thousands of vehicles run as good as new – and trouble-free agin 

OUR EASIER, BETTER. CHEAPER VEHICLE SOLUTIONS remove the "root cause" of tuneup, engine, transmission, radiator cooling system, power steering, and a/c problems. Ending even their worst - now revealed on the page your solution for them is covered. 

    Dicovery of  little-used "formulas" with amazing protection and problem-ending characteristics are helping end car, truck, farm tractor, dozer, airplane, boat, RV, motorcycle, even machining operationsend mechanical problems. 

   They have been making the lives of their product users better by cutting in half ending major automotive problems - by their reconditioning action that ends dozens of the most costly to repair problems, pushing major repair and overhaul needs years into the future.

    Now I'm one of those users and I'm unlocking their mysteries for you to end your cars and heavy equipment suddenly operating problems and have them running as if newer again - for a fraction of what actual repair cost to do the same thing. 

    All vehicle internal operating and mechanical problems the researchers found are caused by heat and acids and friction gumming-up and or binding internal moving parts. They drag and drain-away the horsepower, and they affect oil delivery and also jam moving parts. Most car repair engine and other problems result. What parts?

    Various valves that make the engine work and gears shift fail to work as they should, tapping, knocking, rough shifting, oil burning, blowby, leaks, and overheating occur.

    It's common to have those dirty, upsetting parts replaced - at great expense. However, the problem can end chemically - and that's what we show you to use to end your leak, operating or mechanical problem.

Our way to fix broken parts.

    With our additives as your auto tune up and repair option you can do the service we show you with the treatment and by driving reverse the conditions causing the problems. This reduce the cost ends the problem with a savings of thousands in repair cost avoidance. 

What customers say - 

      McDonald says:  "I'm calling to let you know of the progress of your Mega Power Additives on my truck tapping noise. The ticking has not gone away completely, but has quieted down, and I believe it will soon go away. The truck trip to Bernett was asolutly fantastic. The truck ran so well there an back, I forgot it had all those miles on it. I'm sure I'll get many more years out of the truck after seeing that significant fix on the tapping. You're a good man doing this, and I thank you for our many conversations to assure me it was what my truck needed." J McDonald:

Can it work for your car / diesel problem? 

    By reading a few pages and understanding what chemicals can reverse those conditions and using them in a certain way, they will reverse those negative vehicle problems causes and fix them by re conditioning their surfaces. That is our wayof fixing broken parts. Millions are enjoying their vehicles with our method. Details are given on every page specific remedies are given. You can order them and have a period of usage to see for yourself.

Is it guranteed?

     Yes, 101%. A guarantee is included just in case it's true, it is really busted. Did you know, many people use our treatments before committing to a repair to make sure its really broken and to remove gummed up parts, sludge and friction cause they end.  Luckily, it solves the problem in most vehicles and avoids the repair expense.

     Few ever request their money back, even if broken. Why? 

     The powerful cleaning, friction removing feature makes the car truck tractor boat rv machine motorcycle run at its best. It makes spotting th defective part cheaper and lower in cost to find and fix. This often reduces the repari estimate by thousands oof dollars. A darn good idea, wouldnt you say so? 

The real benefit to gain.

     By removing sludge and friction and smoothing and conditioning our way, your vehicles will run much better and feel more powerful operating - never feeling its age or miles!

     I call that fix my auto-tune-up-and-repair-options.

    You will call them "amazing," and use them all your life to stretch your vehicle care and repair dollar. Avoid avoidable repairs. That is the value of my for you to benefit ifrom and stretch your car equipment nvestment over many more years.

    They are packaged in 5 treatments and installed in a service for that component and sent to you with directions as a do-it-yourself fix, we guarantee will work. 

    Make it your auto tune-up and repair option. Phone help is free for advice and personal help with the install. Start saving your vehicles and your hard earned money this way!

   End on more on ending automotive engine problems cheaper faster better

   Order the treatment on the page your problem is considered. Use Menu buttons

                                            george christ. America's Car Care Expert

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