Auto repair alternatives.
better, cheaper, DIY kind of
auto tune up and repair
to always try first!

Auto repair alternatives Contact Info: On a smart phone, have a question, need to order items covered, call 512 665 3388

Many men and women have discovered - not just mechanics, to use my auto repair options as their auto fix, or as the inside part of their repair - and the reasons why improved their life in several ways, no other way could! They can improve yours in the same way, too!

Fixing my car this way will improve my life? Yes!

I'm George Chris. I'm a special kind of mechanic and life-improvement consultant. The life improvement part comes several ways. This part is about preserving your vehicle assets by these auto repair alternatives.

How I came to discover these life improving auto repair alternatives.

When a few years into the workforce, it seemed I never could get ahead financially. That's when I sign up for a once-a-week financial course. It promised to explain how loopholes eat up your money, and how to stop it in every area of life. And ways to invest some of your money to work for you. 

The subject "buying cars" came up. The instructor showed several scenarios about cars that ate up large chunks of income and suggested  each person do a lifetime car owning expense forecast. That exercise, I still do, helps me to avoid waste of my income.

I could quickly see new cars purchases was sucking my finances dry. An alternatives was a couple year old car, which had about a 1/3rd of its cost lowered and paid by others. That advice keep thousands of dollars available for other important goals that made a bit of my money work for me done in time. Buying a home is that choice. 

Back to cars. As a mechanic, I noticed oil changes did not prevent wear troubles. I tried additives, but could see no real long term help from them.

This quest to reduce auto expense loopholes went several ways. It led me to check out other brands of additives and their claims as an auto repair alternative by using additives for various internal problems. Sometimes, in my vehicles they avoided a repair need by fixing some crude, friction, leak, tap hangup.

Doing so avoided the eventual repair need to do so. That is impressive! As a mechanic new additive knowledge added to my expertise and income, and eventually help others to enjoy the same powerful knowledge. Most times it keep their financial life afloat.

The Job that gave me these auto repair alternatives.

By chance, I took a job selling to mechanics and repair garages additives from a famous brand called Wynn's, then Justice Bothers, then Mega Power - my present business.  From that exposure over the years I found what works and what does not. I could see most other brands really did little or were rip offs as I would test them in the field.

I starter making a living with these auto repair alternatives.

Wynn's, then Justice Bothers, then Mega Power help vehicles fix running and performance decline problems, avoiding costlier repair. Their usage adds anti-wear that can double or triple the remaining life by restoring a like-new dependability.

Others benefited from these auto repair alternatives.

Teaching repair shops that wanted these auto repair alternatives  gave them a better expertise to pass on to their customers.  The upsell improved their income. Made customer loyal to the shop for such. That means many more people could learn to put off costly repairs, even put off premature replacement - by the additives restorative factors.

These auto repair alternatives to repairs are really engine transmission radiator steering and a/c protectors that do more than just good oil and changing fluids can do. Tens of thousands  of shops, individuals, fleet owners, and machining operations use Wynn's, Justice Bothers, and Mega Power.

Those new to the field from googling exposure can learn Mega Power auto repair alternatives for both troublesome and good cars and heavy equipment.

Should this be your auto repair alternatives.

It won't hurt, and can do good you never were exposed to. I like it as my older vehicles and equipment  - with no problems, start to work as if new - them stay that way after treatment. 

Some motorist who continue these auto repair alternatives  down in time, see it lower their cost per mile expense  - maybe 50%.  Ina lifetime of buying and fixing cars trucks and equipment that can amount to $10,000 to $100,000 of money preservation for use for other pressing family needs, perhaps never enjoyed.

  • I train mechanics, mostly those who own their own repair business.
  • And  to car owners looking for a better car problem-solving help.
  • And contractors with equipment, and small fleet owners who want a car truck equipment care and repair method...
  • To stop the financial drain, an end the worry, their present business ideals, and car and repair methods cause them. 
  • End car care and repair expense that needlessly causes avoidable breakdowns, unexpected repairs, and premature replacement . 
  • All that causes needless worry, eats away your money, and profits,  that using what research reveals will show you, results from the auto repair alternatives I'm about to show you!
  • That's the way fixing vehicles my way can help you!

 An education that helped me, I now use to show what Research reveals about such. Secrets, without knowledge of in this area of life, now increases worry, increases waste of a lot of your money, reduces real value in your life.

For you the now  can avoid spending tens of thousand$s more than needed for transportation, repair, premature vehicle, equipment replacement, and  improve your life no other way can!

Just plain men and women car and equipment owners gain the same life improving benefits. 

For you, it can also introduce just plain ole car and equipment owners new and more economical car care and repair ways and products to improve your life! Doing so with a method of vehicle care that ends present running performance, tap, oil loss, hard shift negative. This way will improve your whole way of like for doing so!

Even possibly avoid their repair, for a repair better! And in doing so, end up with more of your income, while reducing hidden wear and tear worry's. Even extend into the future by some years.

In so doing so, side auto repair alternatives will benefit you.

They extend the-life of motor your vehicles and diesel equipment by many more years - by slamming the brakes on their normal wear out. Results switched income  from car care, repair needs - now reducible with this these auto repair options, to family needs, just out of reach now, for lack of information. With me on this my option for you?

If you stay with me reading around the site, I'll show you show to benefit yourself and lower, maybe cut in half your 3rd largest expense - That of transportation.  Its effect may give you 13 months income out of every 12!  

The benefit of your auto repair alternatives is the option is to provide you more available income for other pressing family needs, now going to others for lack of this knowledge. Keep reading...

Many men and women, not just mechanics, use my auto repair alternatives.

These auto repair alternatives  are inexpensive, simple, easy to use, little-known, but very effective alternatives, for your car, truck, tractor, machine - RV, even boat. All will instantly run like new and the repair is permanent using my methods.

What People Say: About their auto repair alternatives given here!

"I'm very pleased we could follow your recommendation to fixed our motor with $100 worth of your suggestions. We were told it would take $3,000 for an overhaul. I'll come back for more to help our other vehicles avoid expensive repairs." MC

What Mechanics Say:

"3 times we took the transmission apart to get it to shift right.
Your method made it shift beautifully. We recommend your products
and your methods to every customer. They are now a good source of 
extra income for us - and our customers respect our expertise even more, when they experience the performance improvements they hoped for. Thanks again. " DF Mechanic

Most important are these auto repair alternative facts:

The auto repair alternatives and products and methods recommended for your fix, are special conditioners with anti-wear qualities that clean and smooth rough, fast wearing pistons, bearings, gears, valve assemblies - promoting additional years of dependability.

....Ships, brand new vehicles on the assembly line, race vehicles, even top car-makers recommend or use these – because they work well, work permanently, and consistently. 

HOW you, your family & vehicles benefit. Here’s the run-down. 

Here Is How My Auto Repair Alternatives Knowledge Will Help You!

Since not all the remedies are posted. You can call me or 
email me, and me or my people will help you with suggestions we 
know will be a good shortcut, and the products needed.
We ship most any where.

$ See bottom of page for our great Business Opportunity

Phone USA 1-512 665-3388

Secrets worth knowing some mechanics don't want you to know.
I known you and your family will use my auto tune up and repair options all your life. They will become your secret collection of tips, tricks, providing you thousands of dollars of money-saving tune up and repair remedies." ....George

You can Fix the following without a wrench using these auto repair alternatives.

Fluid Leaks - oil, coolant, overheating
Transmission - rough shifts, chatter, tapping, growls 
Tune up - Fuel waste, lack of power, exhaust smoke problems

Worn engines and transmissions and other components will run
great again, and for years with-out-overhauling. All that and more - to benefit you, family, vehicles, equipment, finances.


Click on a category below - or the buttons on the left. A new, auto
tune up and repair options page will appear with the info you need.
Your new page covers your symptoms, wear and performance problems and my repair method. 
A cause-remedy auto repair alternatives explanation of which products to use are given.

...New Car additive care and servicing.....Truck.....Tractor.....RV ...Older, Worn Car.....Truck.....Tractor.....RV Help...Power generator ...Motorcycle ...Lawnmower, Chain Saw, Trimmer problem solvers. 

Click below to find auto repair alternatives to fix-your-problem-quick. 

....These auto tune up and repair alternqtives are helping 
thousands of vehicles run as good as new – trouble-free and what
seems like indefinitely.

- Wish simple solutions could offer similar results for us humans?
....Anyhow, the remedy's suggested are successfully followed by many satisfied motorist.

Your friends and neighbors will wonder how you do it.
Compared to others with similar vehicles and equipment, yours will
continue to run great with my tune up and repair options and repair
alternatives when others require expensive repair or replacement!

Here’s how to get the tune up and repair info you need here.

  1. First, Bookmark me to find me easily.
  2. - Read my background BIO for tune up and repair tips.
  3. Click the NAV "Problem" button - If you want help pinpointing your problem. 
  4. Click the component name Button, if that’s the problem area. 
  5. Subscribe to my Free Auto Tune Up and Repair Options Newsletter for new tips to keep you cars and equipment going trouble-free.

Thanks for stopping by auto repair alternatives – let me know of a problem or success you want to share. George

PS: You can earn a living promoting my methods and products with just
a small start-up investment. A huge and profitable market is 
out there. Call or email me of your interest, questions;
USA 1-512 353-1165

Start reading about your auto repair alternatives

Auto repair alternatives. Cheaper Faster Better Ways to Fix Vehicles 

I'm George Chris. I'll show you a better, cheaper kind of auto tune up and repair to always use

Many men and women, not just mechanics, use my auto tune up and repair options.

They are inexpensive, simple, easy to use.

They provide fast results.

Little-known, but very effective alternatives, for your car, truck, 
tractor, machine - RV, even boat. All will instantly run like
new and the repair is permanent using my methods.

What People Say:

"I'm very pleased we could follow your recommendation to fixed our motor with $100 worth of your suggestions. We were told it would take $3,000 for an overhaul. I'll come back for more to help our other vehicles avoid expensive repairs." MC

What Mechanics Say:

"3 times we took the transmission apart to get it to shift right.
Your method made it shift beautifully. We recommend your products
and your methods to every customer. They are now a good source of 
extra income for us - and our customers respect our expertise even more, when they experience the performance improvements they hoped for. Thanks again. " DF Mechanic

Most important are these facts:
The products and methods recommended for your fix, are special conditioners with anti-wear qualities that clean and smooth rough, fast wearing pistons, bearings, gears, valve assemblies - promoting additional years of dependability.

....Ships, brand new vehicles on the assembly line, race vehicles, even top car-makers recommend or use these – because they work well, work permanently, and consistently. 

HOW you, your family & vehicles benefit. Here’s the run-down. 

Here Is How My Knowledge Will Help You!

Since not all the remedies are posted. You can call me or 
email me, and me or my people will help you with suggestions we 
know will be a good shortcut, and the products needed.
We ship most any where.

$ See bottom of page for our great Business Opportunity

Phone USA 1-512 665-3388

Secrets worth knowing some mechanics don't want you to know.
I known you and your family will use my auto tune up and repair options all your life. They will become your secret collection of tips, tricks, providing you thousands of dollars of money-saving tune up and repair remedies." ....George

You can Fix the following without a wrench 

Fluid Leaks - oil, coolant, overheating
Transmission - rough shifts, chatter, tapping, growls 
Tune up - Fuel waste, lack of power, exhaust smoke problems

Worn engines and transmissions and other components will run
great again, and for years with-out-overhauling. All that and more - to benefit you, family, vehicles, equipment, finances.


Click on a category below - or the buttons on the left. A new, auto
tune up and repair options page will appear with the info you need.
Your new page covers your symptoms, wear and performance problems and my repair method. 
A cause-remedy explanation and products to use are given.

...New Car.....Truck.....Tractor.....RV
...Older, Worn Car.....Truck.....Tractor.....RV Help
...Power generator 
...Lawnmower, Chain Saw, Trimmer

Or, Click below to find auto tune up and repair options to

....These auto tune up and repair options are helping 
thousands of vehicles run as good as new – trouble-free and what
seems like indefinitely.

- Wish simple solutions could offer similar results for us humans?
....Anyhow, the remedy's suggested are successfully followed by many satisfied motorist.

Your friends and neighbors will wonder how you do it.
Compared to others with similar vehicles and equipment, yours will
continue to run great with my tune up and repair options and repair
alternatives when others require expensive repair or replacement!

Here’s how to get the tune up and repair info you need here.

First, Bookmark me to find me easily.
2- Read my background BIO for tune up and repair tips.
3- Click the NAV "Problem" button - If you want help pinpointing your problem. 
4- Click the component name Button, if that’s the problem area.
5- Subscribe to my Free Auto Tune Up and Repair Options Newsletter for new tips to keep you cars and equipment going trouble-free.

Thanks for stopping by – let me know of a problem or success you want to share. George

PS: You can earn a living promoting my methods and products with just
a small start-up investment. A huge and profitable market is 
out there. Call or email me of your interest, questions;
USA 1-512 353-1165