Diesel Blowby Remedy.
Equipment Owners With Engine Blowby Problems Find A New Solution To End Blowby And Other Engine Problems.
Imagine last week you added these products on the right made by Mega Power Additives to your diesel engine. Now your blowby problem has ended.
What a relief as the rig is again working free of blowby. It needs no oil this week. The motor has no smeely, oily fumes coming out of every engine joint. The fuel economy has never been better. It pulls up hills a gear higher with an ease it never had before. Last week, your blowby treatment came in a box.
You can hardly believe the diesel repair shop said it needed an overhual costing over $5000 to end the problem. For a tenth of that $5000, the diesel engine blowby remedy from Mega Power ended the problem for good. What made it so...
You added 2 quarts of the red labeled Fuel Injector MP Cleaner and Upper Piston Ring Freer to each of the 50 gallon fuel tanks.
You added 2 quarts of the yellow labeled MP Combustion and Valve Cleaning Treatment item also to each of the same 50 gallon fuel tanks.
You added 2 quarts of the quarts of the black labeled MP Lower Piston Ring Cleaner to the engines motor oil.
After a week of driving.... with items going through the engine. The 3 items start half the Diesel Blowby Ending Remedy. A week later... Again..
... A week later you add the 2 remaining quarts of the black labeled MP Lower Piston Ring Cleaner to the engine. But this time after ten minutes yof running the engine you do an oil change after running this item in the motor for 10 minutes. The dirty oil comes our like tar!
With the new oil, you also add One Gallon Mega Power's Motor Treatment. This product smooths wear worn sufraces ending the friction - for a big horsepower boost. And sadds a lubricate to the piston rings that helps them easily stay expanded - assurring your will have years of good service from this engine. The treatment is repeated every 6000 to 12,000 miles.
A month later you add the remaiming additives like this. One quarts of each item to each 50 gallon tnk oveer the next month untill used p. The truck will run good as new now and stay that way repeating the treatment each oil change.
Months down the road : You can hardly belive the diffierence in the motors operation.
For weeks before the treatment the engine been a mess. Smoke and fumes and an oily film from the engine creep out pipe joint. It rumbles as it sits there idling. You check the oil - down a gallon again.
While replacing an old worn engine with a new $5000 to $10,000 one is the normal blowby fix. Many diesel rig and equipment owners are discovering Mega Power's better solution at a 10th of that expense to overhaul the engine. [An older video that proves the point.]
This Mega Power Egine Treatment is the cheapest way to keep diesel going when otherwise it needs a new engine.
A better way to solve engine and gear operating problems...
Order The Mega Power Blowby Ending Treatment: Click cart button to do so. Its the easiest and cheapest solution!
Just $399+$50 s&h + Total $449. Not $5000 or more for a new engine.
Shipped to your door in 3 days, includes 5 gallons needed, enough for more thn 6000 miles. Directions, phone help and guarantee. With easy-to-follow install directions. Noting to take apart! Works as you drive! Last from oil change to oil change. Installed in an oil change.
Includes a great Bonus item, too!. Plus free tech help if needed. Shipped to your door in 3 days, include directions, phone help and guarantee. Click cart button to end the cause of your engine blowby problem.
Click cart button to order the Mega Power's Diesel Blowby Remedy.>
With its 100% money back guarantee - you have the surrest way to find the best solution. Order now, and learn the secret of saving your engines and and your income from going to others. A week that will amaze you... george
PS: Call for a better price in barrels to treat all your vehicles. Cars and diesels
512 665 3388 Order one diesel blowby rendy here.
What works somewhat...
if you tried STP when it came out in the 1960's and Lucas Oil Treatment -in the 2000's; STP works better, and its way cheaper. But both make engines work harder, with their gooey liquids.
But, me and many truckers didn't like the thick gooey additives poured into our engines.
They cover up the blowby problem. Making oil so sticky it forms a blockage to combustion blowby between the piston and cylinder wall this helps but is - ignoring the real sticky piston rings blowby cause -
Mega Power Additives found a way to Free Up Sticky Piston Rings
To Return Blowby To Normal.
As a mechanic I overhauled many engines with blowby and other problems - but rarely ever found a busted piston ring or cylinder wear as the engine blowby, or as an oil burning cause. You can blame the problem on sticking piston rings - and now Mega Power Additive Maker has come up with a better solution than a new engine or adding a gooey engine additive to the oil. .... A better diesel blowby remedy
The solution - free up your sticky piston rings. That solution came from Mega Power Additives. And I have barrels of it out there with satisfied customers. This method avoids a big overhaul expense - putting it off for a year or more.
Ending diesel blowby remedy amazing chemistry - shown above, added to the fuel and motor oil. It stops blowby as you watch, and from time to time a bit more keeps it surpressed.
What truckers say...
"Both the smell, the fumes, and the blackish exhaust also disappeared - then oil burning and oil consumption in my oldest daily users," says Jerry Springer, a small fleet owner in Cincinnati. "I figure, if I get a year more out of this truck - without needing a new engine for a year, I'll make enough to just buy a newer rig. It's been over 6 months with Mega Power helping it go, and I have a good feeling Mega Power may just keep this rig going indifinitely. Its in all my rigs and vehicles - and I feel its paying me to use the stuff." Jerry S
If you have engine blowby problems, Mega Powers diesel blowby remedy way to end it will also restore a mile or two a gallon fuel economy - because wasted fuel is now going pass the pistons as blowby, instead of pushing the truck down the road. Is that also a benefit - sure is? Spend $4000 now and get on with life. Do this....
A better way to solve engine and gear operating problems...
Order The Mega Power Blowby Ending Treatment: Click cart button to do so. Its the easiest and cheapest solution!
Just $399+$50 s&h + Total $449. Not $5000 or more for a new engine.
Shipped to your door in 3 days, includes 5 gallons needed, enough for more thn 6000 miles. Directions, phone help and guarantee. With easy-to-follow install directions. Noting to take apart! Works as you drive! Last from oil change to oil change. Installed in an oil change.
Includes a great Bonus item, too!. Plus free tech help if needed. Shipped to your door in 3 days, include directions, phone help and guarantee. Click cart button to end the cause of your engine blowby problem.
Click cart button to order the Mega Power's Diesel Blowby Remedy.>
How diesel additives end blowby.
Diesel Bowby Remedy.
What you don't know about blowby
If you're an owner of an engine with excessive engine compression blowby, I know the problem it causes you.
The following details the remedy.
Its smell is unpleasantly pungent in taste or odor : irritating acrid fumes flow out from under the hood.
The motor problem you can now end in an hour - no matter the age or mileage.
And now, put off it up to $7000 overhaul expense.
The best solution to keep your cash for other needs.
You may have changed the oil to help it. You may have added a gooey thick, honey-like additive to it to see if that would help. You are here for out take to fix it...
End this headache this week - Keep pocketed thousands of dollars avoiding a new engine. Sve on oil and fuel now wasted by the problem. Keep other problems from developing. The real solution you need!
Bud Easterline thinks my way too. His Mega Power Diesel Blowby Remedy is water thin and uses watery-like cleaners and conditioners - not gooey thickeners to emake the oil sticky for blockage. Addressing the rsticky piston ring cause of blowby is the real solution. it works by doing the oposite of most additives - going to the cause - freeing stuck piston pings. - which again block compression from escaping.
Freeing stuck piston rings, you will agree is the ideal solution.
As you drive, the cleaners and conditioners from the fuel side top, and oil side below, keep wahing and removing the goo holding the piston rings in - ending the blowby problems.
With a 100% sucess rate over the years Mega Power's Diesel Blowby Remedy should be added to every engine - but good engines need a forth of the amount a n old engine may need.if you want a piece-off-mind engine problem solution. And avoidance of a new engine as your benefit.
Does it always work? Not when a piston or rings is busted - "but that's rare like 1 in 10,000 engines. So we offer a 100% money back guarantee if that happens to be your real solution after trying the treatment. Want to try it for 90 days trial to prove its what works? Order it here.
Ordering: Click cart button.
Just $399+$50 s&h + Total $449. Not $5000 ormore for a new engine.
Shipped to your door in 3 days, includes 5 gallons needed, enough for more thn 6000 miles. Directions, phone help and guarantee. With easy-to-follow install directions. Noting to take apart! Works as you drive! Last from oil change to oil change. Installed in an oil change.
Includes a great Bonus item, too!. Plus free tech help if needed. Shipped to your door in 3 days, include directions, phone help and guarantee. Click cart button to end the cause of your engine blowby problem.
Click cart button to order the Mega Power's Diesel Blowby Remedy.>
Dear diesel owner with a diesel blowby problem:
I know your fustration. I've been there.
This Mega Power Treatment will help you get rid of the problem gets rid of this problem for good.
What people say about Mega Powers Blowby Remedy:
"I put the Mega Power Engine Treatment george sent me for my noisy, smelly engine problem, and in minutes it started to purred like a kitten. In a few miles of driving, my engine blowby problem started to go away. Now, with two mouths, and no more smelly odors from the motor, I'm pretty sure its a permanent solution. The mechanic said, 'I needed a new engine.' I feel this product is what it really needed. I'll keep using it each oil chnge to see how long it will help keep the engine purring" Raleigh, NC. Mike Harris.
"I buy older what seems like worn-out vehicles, at bargain prices, some using oil. Some with a blowby problem; knowing this engine treatment is all it needs to bounce it back to health." San Marcos, Texas. George Christ
Isn't that the solution you want as your diesel blowby remendy? Consider...
An investment in Mega Power offers a savings of more than 10 times a new engine expense would have. Pleases your engine and your budget!
A Satisfaction Guarantee assures you can't lose. High tech, but easy to install. Immediate results -always!
Order Here - Have it in 3 days in your truck ending blowby - ready for the road :
Ordering: Click cart button.
Just $399+$50 s&h + Total $449. Not $5000 ormore for a new engine.
Shipped to your door in 3 days, includes 5 gallons needed, enough for more thn 6000 miles. Directions, phone help and guarantee. With easy-to-follow install directions. Noting to take apart! Works as you drive! Last from oil change to oil change. Installed in an oil change.
Includes a great Bonus item, too!. Plus free tech help if needed. Shipped to your door in 3 days, include directions, phone help and guarantee. Click cart button to end the cause of your engine blowby problem.
Click cart button to order the Mega Power's Diesel Blowby Remedy.>
So I switch to Mega Powers Diesel Blowby Remedy.
It contains his MC+ anti-friction lube. A big hit with race car engine builders and race car owners and farmers, because of it horsepower increasing factor, and its ability to actual slam the brakes on engine gear, steering ,and power take off system - extending many years of life to such treated units.
I liked Buds' additives as they contain no powders, ground glass, nor magic oils. His idea to formulate a water-thin Chemical Formula to work with newer vehicle engines using 0/10, 5/10 engine oil requierments. Not thick like STP, and Lucas. Thick oils and thick additives block oil flow and cooling newer, closer tolerance engines need to adhere to warranty requierments. Car makers, ship builders, and small fleet owners ordered his Mega Power Oil Treatment product in barrels for its ability to double the new-like life of brand new engines and gears.
My diesel blowby remedy began working...
I started doubling Bud's Mega Power Engine Cleaner to blowby troubles engines in their oil and gas or diesel fuel. Thenhaving the owners run them for a month to see what happen.
Eventually, I discoveredthe best 2 step combination: My Mega Power Additive Brand Diesel Blowby Remedy; added to the fuel and oil twice - the two steps. [ Items #9 and #55 and #15 added to the diesel fule and oil. And # 15 and #10 and #95 to the oil that freed up the piston rings, stopping ending engine blowby by that method - not using thick gooey additives at all.
Is it worth my 2 step cost?
My customers could now by a new engien $5000 to $10,000. Or spend $1000 For my Mega Power Diesel Engine Blowby Remedy - giving the diesel rig and equipment owner a Mega Power Additive Option for a couple more years blowby controlled operation - costing $400 every oil change. Is my Diesel Blowby Treatment worth it - some say no. Others ,amazed at the expense reducing go for the bumper-tobumper serving of the treir transmission radiator steering and power takes off - figuring ... if it runs that good again. I'l do all the servicing every two years with My Mega Power 2 step service for each of the components. Cost $1000.
Is the required service my way and lots more years of service cheaper that a $10,000 new engine or $100k new vehicle? Many see the extra hour service with mega Power a sufficent economical way to maximize their ROI and cut in half their cost per miles expense. That's the bottom line my customers go for.
Want to test the waters on something better than STP Or Lucas to end your blowby problem?
With Bud Esterline's Newst Invention of his safe-to-drive non-solvent MP Engine Flush. with MC+ super lube included . The only way now known to use an engine flush that could stay in engines as long as the owner wanted for cleaning - freeing piston rings, and ending blowby problems. And, with engine additives added to fresh oil that produces more horespower, while maintaining the normal blowby state. Diesel rig, famers, and equipment owners with ne and older equipment now have a new way to keep tens of thousands of dollars in their pocket - by using my Mega Power Diesel Blowby Treatment. [ Exceeds service requierments of every diesel manufactors new diesel servicing requierments - dispite the distase for Mega Power by the Cat Dealer ].
Several options - all sold with a Satisfaction To Do As Advertised Guarantee.
Getting a Mega Power Diesel Engine Blowby Treatment.
My Mega Power Diesel Engine Blowby Fix Will include with present orders our $100 injector cleaning service . And needed 4 gallon additives to free up sticky piston rings - reducing blowby to normal. $450 for 5 gallons - including fuel injetor bonus. Shipped to your door in 3 days, usa. $100 more elsewhere. Not China or Russia.
My Mega Power Diesel Engine Blowby Fix for Will include with present orders
included. And comes with a money back guarantee! Sent to your door by FedEx.
Look at the benefits! The Mega Power Diesel Blowby Fix is an engine top to bottom engine sealing product to block compression blowby. Full compression is guaranteed to return. It does so by freeing stuck piston rings, and by sealing in the combustion area using a principle called oil film bonding. Oil film bonding offers 4 sealing features - not just one like all other products. Does not add gooey fluids to the motor. Is not gooey like Lucas. Is not a soy product. 100% American made from problem-solving chemistry.
From the moment the pistons moves upward and valves close compression will be locked into the combustion phase. No more squeezing pass the pistons, or dirty valve seats. As combustion forces explode expanding gasses find no way to go except pushing the piston downward. It can't do with blowby.
While this sealing action begins other chemicals are removing sludge, and rebuilding the oil flow to every surface. MC+ friction reduction begins - a anti wear and horesepower improver.
From the fuel tank the strongest fuel injector cleaner known is returning the fogging action to your injectors. Black and blueish exhaust smoke will vanish at the exhaust.
As you pull your load fron dead stiop, a new surge of power will move you thru the gears effortelssly.
RPM redline will arrive split second faster. At fuel fill up, mileage distance will be up a 1/4 to.5 more miles or more per gallon.
The engines new amazing quietness and lack of a gallon fumes, and of oil needed as usual is noticed. For any diesel or gas engine.
Easy to install directions, free phone help, and Satisfaction Guarantee to do as advertised.
The Mega Power Diesel Blowby Fix includes a 5 gallon kit -see below, to restore the blowby sealing condition of even the most worn engines. If bought separately: Over $700 and a bargain for what it saves in new engine cost. Can re repeated with the same succeess as long as you want. The mega Power Diesel Engine Blowby Treatment includes:
Directions: Two steps are involved. Step one. Add 2 Quarts item 1 to the motors oil. Also add 1 quart of item 2 to each 50 gallon fuel tanks. Item 3 is mixed in with item 2. Drive as usual for a week to clean and free the engine of carbon and sludge. Friction reduction.
Step Two: Add 2 Quarts item 1 to the motors oil. Do so about an hour before doing an oil change. This liqufies sludge for drain out. To the new oil add one gallon number 4 Diesel Engine Blowby Seal along with fresh oil. Extra item #4 Diesel Engine Blowby Seal listed as #5 to be used if oil drops below one gallon of oil. Addit in place of oil to add to the engine blowby oil sealing ability.
Repeat items 2 and 4 as directed every oil change. Order Now. No other product is so guranteed to help your budget and engine. The first roar of your engine the next day will convince you, you made the right investment to keep your engine going.
Includes easy-to-follow directions. Plus free phone tech help if needed. Nothing to take apart! Works as you drive to stop piston and valve blowby escape! Restores good fuel economy with its friction eliminator and its fuel injector cleaning bonus. Shipped to your door in 3 days, include directions, phone help and guarantee. Click cart button to end the cause of your engine blowby problem in the easiest fastest - best way known.
Just $399+$50 s&h. $449 - On Sale TODAY Now $381 total. Click cart button for delivery.
The negative side? Is it worth the hassle?
Directions :
3 items are included in the diesel blowby remedy:
Order Now - for the best diesel blowby remedy ever!
What is included: Overnight delivery. Comes with Directions, Guarantee, and Free phone Tech Help. And Free USA shipping included on this weeks special. Mega Power Diesel Blowby Remedy stops all 3 sources of blow-by.
Order now. To order,
Click cart button BELOW to fill out delivery details
Jerry says: "I can't believe your $400 Mega Power Diesel Blowby Remedy fix my rigs engine blowby problem! In 20 minutes has this engine running great - and blowby almost gone! It help me avoid what the local Caterpillar Shop said was over $5,500 to end by engine rebuild."
Click cart button to order. Satisfaction Guarantee. No refunds requested last 267 days
Did you know....
Even brand new engines have some blowby. So you can never avoid it.
There has never has been a way to prevent it. Since the 2090's every motor has added to it an internal system to keep reprocessing blow-by through the combustion cycle again. That's because...
Blowby contains 1/5 unburnt fuel, 1/5 burnt fuel, 1/5 acidic vapors with lots of air and moisture combustion by-products.
While down in the oil side of the motor, its is pulled out for reburning. Before that, it mixes into the oil slugging it up - so varnishes form and sticks to moving piston rings and valves to cause more of the blowby escape. See picture.
On its recycled to prevent smog, and to pick up some fuel economy from its gas portion, it burning creates carbon deposits on the valve heads - decreasing their critical sealing ability.
Carbon buildup in the combustion area causes first-thing-in-the-morning engine knock that goes away - to return the next day.
Down in the motor, its also being sucked in a system tubed with a control valve in it on its way back up into the air combustion intake passage ways to reburn - if no one told you, check it to make sure its working, and not causing this engine problem.
There are diesel blowby remedies:
What makes Mega Power the ideal Blowby Limiter:
What mega Power's diesel blowby remedy does other products don't offer:
What to do with this information? Order this diesel blowby remedy Now!
If you need to control those blowby problems, this Mega Power Blowby Treatment feature are what you should install in the motor for an economical diesel blowby remedy - to end, or control this serious engine problem.
Install procedure: Mega Power items are added to the fuel tank and motor oil as show and driving for a week is done to let them work on ending the problem. Its repeated a week later then the oil is change out for new oil. Some are added along with the new oil as the best diesel blowby remedy.
Using the Mega Power Engine Blowby Treatment offers a complex solution to a complex problem and poweful to keep cars and diesels going - often for years. Mega Power's secret is its different way to control the problems causing engine compression blowby - and oil burning.
The Mega Power Diesel Blowby Remedy includes fuel injector cleaners and MC+ friction eliminators. Labeled so you follow the install directions easily. Mega Power offers its amazing solution topped with its horsepower-boosting features -
Mega Power is added to brand new vehicle engines and transmissions because of its friction elimination, giving new and good vehicles a years longer trouble-free life, and extra racy zip, and 20 to 40 more miles distance on each fuel tank distance - as a result of its beneficial features and formula.
Helps new and old engines run quieter and much stronger - with its slippery anti-friction, horsepower boosting cushion-protecting every rubbing part - preventing this blowby problem. Regardless of age, size, or brand. Includes easy-to-follow directions, a guarantee, free hone help if needed, and 3 day delivery to your door. Sold in barrels for fleet servicing cut-in-half cost-per-miles benefits.
By servicing your engine as described, you have what many feel is the best way to service all vehicles - including those with blowby and oil burning problems. Compared to the alternative - a new $5000 + overhaul, this should be your vehicle care and problem-solving alternative!
Ordering: Click cart button to put your diesel blowby remedy to work. And put this problem out of your misery. Compared to repair or replacement expense in the many thousands and their debt. This diesel engine blowby remedy will be a real aid to y=ending this problem.
Just $399+$50 s&h + Total $449. Today Sale Priced $381. Save your engine and more!
Shipped to your door in 3 days, includes 5 gallons needed, directions, phone help and guarantee.
Includes a great Bonus item, too!. With easy-to-follow directions. Plus free tech help if needed. Noting to take apart! Works as you drive! Shipped to your door in 3 days, include directions, phone help and guarantee. Click cart button to end the cause of your engine blowby problem. See Bonus item.
Ordering: Click cart button.
While a $10,000 new engine may be out of budget range, Mega Power is way under $500.
Just $399+$50 s&h total $449. Now On Sale. The Get Acquainted Sale Priced $381 total. A $5k to $10k saving bonus. Shipped to your door in 3 days, include 4 gallons needed, directions, phone help and guarantee.
Bonus Discount included. With easy-to-follow directions. Plus free tech help if needed. Noting to take apart! Works as you drive! Shipped to your door in 3 days, include directions, phone help and guarantee. Click cart button to end the cause and engine blowby problem.
No! Contains No hurtful ingredients or fillers like in other additives! For beneficial ingredients for ending my own truck blowby, and thousands of diesel engine problems, the Mega Power Engine Treatment is giving the vehicle and fleet owner the best - and cheapest way to solve blowby, and other operating problems.
Mega Power is the secret that is helping Diesel Rig and equipment owners perk-up their older vehicles... while providing a lo-cost solution to end compression blowby problems!
You may know that most mechanics suggest a new engine as the solution. New engines is the best solution! They can run $4000 to $10,000. I know - I'm a mechanic. However, Mega Power is the best solution anyway! However, if a new engine expense is not in the cards for you order this solution. It's guaranteed to doas advertised!
Mega Power is not just an alternative. Its the product to keep all your trucks and tractors and equipment serviced with - to keep them trouble-free and working - so they can keep making you money - and be replaced when finances are right.
I'm a mechanic who has found Mega Power engine. transmission radiator servicing products the ideal care and problem ending solution. And, tight budgets need the Mega Power Engine Treatment secret - Help :
Ordering: Click cart button to put your diesel blowby remedy to work. And put this problem out of your misery.
Just $399+$50 s&h + Total $449. Today Sale Priced $381. Save your engine and more!
Order this Get Acquainted, Sale Priced Mega Power Engine Blowby Remedy. Shipped to your door in 3 days, includes 5 gallons needed, directions, phone help and guarantee.
Diesel Blowby Problem.
Diesel engines are amazing for their long life and power - - until they develop an engine compression loss, known as blowby!
Blowby means you have dirty engine piston rings causing failure to expand problems -
As engines dirty-up and wear over time the steel piston ring expanding feature - wrapped around each piston, are no longer expanding to keep engine oil out of the combustion area, and hot, smelly, combustion out of the engines oil area. Power loss is noticeable and so is oil consumption.
What truck owners say about our diesel blowby remedy.
Jerry says: "I can't believe your $400 Mega Power Diesel Blowby Remedy fix my rigs engine blowby problem and it again runs great - and help me avoid what the local Diesel Caterpillar Shop said would cost over $5,500 to end by engine rebuild."
Since my test of your product over the last year, my older diesel and gas trucks and equipment show new power and smoothness compared to before the product, and running the same route up and down roads - They have way-less oil burning, no more black exhaust, nor blowby! Thanks for helping me with your Mega Power." ...Jerry
Diesel blowby remedy options...
The Only Engine Treatment Remedy to Stop Combustion Blow-by at 3 Sources. Diesel Blowby Remedy Directions. 5 Items in the treatment come numbered 1,2, 3, 4, 5 for easy install. Begin: Add #1 and #2 to the fuel tank and motor oil as shown. Drive for a week while the piston rings are freed up to stop combustion escape. Then do step two: Step Two: After a week of driving do an oil change using item #4 just before the dirty oil is drained out, to flush clean engine, drain out negatives. Ending causes of sticky piston rings. Next: Add item #5 to the new oil. That is the diesel blowby remedy and service to get you back down life's highway saving you a big hit on your budget. In good engines a new way to keep trouble away. Pays for itself in fuel savings each fill up. This Mega Power Diesel Blowby Treatment ends the cause of combustion escape completely - in 3 ways - not just one:
You now have a real heal at low cost to stop engine combustion blow-by yourself in one treatment - and for thousands of dollars less than overhaul. The negative side? Is it worth the hassle?
The process is complex internally, but the install of the products - 3 shown, are added to the fuel tank and motor oil and is easy. And a weeks driving is needed to free up sticky piton rings and valves causing engine blowby problem. Install Directions are Easy to Follow:
Other features in Mega Power. Anti-wear ingredients called MC+ remove friction - returning the engine to a new like operation - and end of the total engines horsepower absorbing problem. Overnight delivery usa. Directions, guarantee, and free phone tech help and shipping included with each purchase. Order now. To order, Click cart button to fill out delivery details |
![]() Jerry says: "I can't believe your $400 Mega Power Diesel Blowby Remedy fix my rigs engine blowby problem! In 20 minutes has this engine running great - and blowby almost gone! It help me avoid what the local Caterpillar Shop said was over $5,500 to end by engine rebuild." Diesel Blowby Remedy Directions. 5 Items in the treatment come numbered 1,2, 3, 4, 5 for easy install. Add #1 and #2 to the fuel tank and motor oil as shown. Drive for a week while the piston rings are freed up to stop combustion escape. Then do an oil change using item #4 just before the dirty oil to flush clean engine, drain out negatives. Add item #5 to the new oil. That is the diesel blowby remedy and service to get you back down life's highway saving you a big hit on your budget. In good engines a new way to keep trouble away. Pays for itself in fuel savings each fill up. Diesel blowby remedy tips. Blow-by results from years of slow acidic attack on your engine and radiator coolant fluids. See picture causes. Tip One: Remove acid makers in the radiator to start controlling blow-by. This is why its real important. Acids cause coolant scum to form and coat every interior surface. Like insulation, it stops engine high heat from going into the coolant to kept engine cool. Higher engine heat loads grow. When above 800 degrees rings and valves cook motor oil into tar on contact. Like high heat cooks oil to blacken frying pans. Tarry oil stick rings and valves. Tars sluggish action on your rings and valves allows much more compression volume - to slip pass them going into the motors oil causing blow-by. You now know more of the causes off blow-by than most mechanics and equipment repair shops -whose remedy is a new $5000 engine. Our method.... What you should know: The good and bad about Acid. In your battery acid makes electricity by decaying the lead plates. That's a good thing making electricity for the starter and lights. Acid also appears from coolant decay and moisture in motors and gear boxes. This I explain how in other articles. Here just the complete remedy is given. Use what you can - or ignore it all. Understanding how to stop acid formation, cleaning out tar and scum safely on rings and valves, and healing the damage my way I feel is the key to ending or controlling blow-by. Acid is a good thing in your battery. By decaying lead plates -by electrolysis it makes voltage to spin the starter and make lights turn on. That's a good thing about acid.
Options to prevent and stop blowby -
- Blow-by is one of those wear and tear problems all engines developed. But can be suppressed using additives recommended here to stop blowby!
I'll describe their service to do so below.
As a mechanic and truck owner, I know a diesel engine overhaul cost run pass $5000. And 2 to 3 weeks down time losses.
So, its normal to look for alternatives to lower cost and keep your rig on the road.
Mega Power's Method
This method, shown me by Mega Power works as advertised - by a leader in car truck care and repair aid additives. I'm now a Mega Power booster and distributor.
Sold guaranteed to work.
The Learning Curve is short
Taking an hour to understand what the Mega Power additives will give you control to end problems and and avoid avoidable and costly repairs.
Extra value includes the Internal MC+ anti-wear features provided. They help end and prevent future problems. This services keeps, or restores the like-new power. The power you bought when brand new - years pass any other method of care and repair.
Diesel Blowby Remedy Directions.
5 Items come numbered 1,2, 3, 4, 5 for easy install. Add #1 and #2 to the fuel tank and motor oil as shown. Drive for a week, Then do an oil change using item #4 just before the dirty oil is change for new. Add item #5 to the new oil. That is the diesel blowby remedy and service .
Ordering the Diesel Blowby Remedy
A Service You Can Do! Order Now!
Diesel Blowby Remedy Ordering info:
Diesel Blowby Remedy Ordering info:
For any diesel car, pickup or large truck, tractor, etc engines - gas or diesel. Comes with easy-to-install directions. Phone help. Sent FedEx to your home or business in 3 days. Bonus $49 item included makes total of 6 items,
The 6 items, total $381.
Double your diesel blowby order, save more, and keep your other good engine running great and trouble avoiding.
Order deal.
Get More to Protect your good engines.
Our Sale Specials: Our two fer One special!
This weeks 2-fer sale. Regular double order $750. Now $381 for our double order SALE!
Discounted? Yes siree!
NOW 7 items just $381.00 total. Not $750.
Order by clicking cart button to end your blowy trouble for good! Tax part refunded if not collected. Subject to change without notice.
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Diesel Blowby Remedy
Mega Power Engine Blowby Ending Additive.
For Any Size or Brand of Engine. A new product to stop the problem of oily, smelly fumes covering motor from compression lost. Even worn older engines will operate as they should by its blocking compression escape pass worn piston rings, and worn valve guides.
“Works quickly,” customers say. Save the budget! helping put off this costly $4000 overhaul expense."
Other product features: cleans fuel injectors, removes combustion carbon, and removes engine sludge – also reducing other blowby causes.
Protection feature: Friction Eliminators included restore, then maintains the engines good working operation.
Future usage: Continues blowby control when installed at future oil changes.
iDirections: The install takes an hour time. With free phone help included. Add to fuel tank and motor oil. Driving afterward to complete recovery.
Other uses: In good engines, the product provides a tune up good engines need for their working well to avoid dealer service expense.
ABOUT: Mega Power Engine Blowby Ending Additive. A new engine treatment product limiting blowby and oil burning problems on a tight budget. Postal delivery most anywhere for small charge.
Stop engine combustion blowby work when covering the three causes - see picture.
Now, you have a Mega Power Diesel Blowby Remedy alternative to repair or a costly new engine. It ends this serious engine problem.
Big rigs and diesel motors: my why cost under $500. Will last for years with a product touch-up once or twice a year.
Ordering info:
Treatment package 6 items for diesel car, pickup engines to 3 gallons motor oil capacity engines. Comes with easy-to-install directions. Phone help. Sent Fedex to your home or business in 3 days. Just $99+s&h $15+ 8 tax, total $122. Transmission protector included to protect it from trouble. A $39 value, Free while 100 last.
Treatment package for diesel truck tractor dozer engines to 10 gallons motor oil capacity engines. Comes with easy-to-install directions. Phone help. Sent FedEx to your home or business in 3 days. This weeks fall sale. Just $399+$50 s&h+32 tax, total $$481 total. Bonus for today's offer? Transmission protector included to protect transmission from trouble. A $39 value, Free while 100 last. Sale price NOW as listed 7 items just $381.00 Order by clicking cart button and end your blowy trouble for good!
Every additive to control blowby is a gummy honey-like product - except ours!
Worn Motor I'll help you avoid that problem - too!
Mega Power's Diesel Blowby Engine Treatment. Mega Power: 3 of 6 items shown included to limit blowby.
Mega Power's Diesel Blowby Engine Treatment.
Mega Power: 3 of 6 items in the blowby treatment
Has several acid neutralizes and work them in the fuel, and engine side needed.
Has sticky piston ring cleaners to work top piston compression ring, and lower oiling rings cleaning to limit blowby.
Does both twice in different ways needed.
Heals damaged, pitted and friction worn surfaces.
Does both twice in different ways needed.
Uses MC+ to close gaps and fill worn surfaces. Add more to control more as needed.
Directions are made simple for the complex blowby ending task.
2 steps are performed. Step 1 by adding items 1, 2 and 3 to the fuel and oil. Then drive for a week and change the oil.
Step 2. Add item 4 to motor oil. Run motor for 10 minutes. Change oil and replace 1 gallon oil with item 5. Driving problem improves between oil changes.
Order sent to your door in 3 days.
Diesel Blowby Remedy Treatment Special.
Buy One Blowby Treatment get Two for the price of one engine treatment!During this Get Protected Offer. Lets you protect your good engine with the same product. A real bargain for 2 engine protection.
- For any diesel car, pickup, Truck, tractor engines with a 3 gallon to 10 gallon motor oil capacity. Comes with easy-to-install directions. Phone help. Sent Fedex to your home or business in 3 days. Just $99+s&h $15+ 8 tax, total $122. Transmission protector included to protect it from trouble. A $39 value, Free while 100 last.
Treatment package for diesel truck tractor dozer engines to 10 gallons motor oil capacity engines.
Comes with easy-to-install directions. Phone help. Sent Fedex to your home or business in 3 days.
This weeks sale. Just $399+$50 s&h+32 tax, total $$481 total.
Bonus for todays offer? A Transmission Protector included to protect your transmission and avoid trouble there. A $39 value, Free while 100 last. Sale price NOW as listed 7 items just $381.00. Click cart button to order now!