These HERO-PROVEN auto repair solutions can help your car and budget problems end, making your HERO, too!!!
Additives are reducing thousands in expenses -
The solution.
Whereas, if you need to know their uses and power, your only fix is what a mechanic says.
Why be stuck with thousands in repair bills when a few hundred dollars of additives could be the fix?
The thousands in expense avoidance are well worth the learning curve, and I've made it simple with an additive recipe for every known problem, which can be found here and listed by the problem.
Everyone’s needs are different regarding taking care of their vehicles. Since auto repair providers can overprice the repair to their advantage, this article wises you up on their practices. Goes to their root problem. Offers a cure with additives.
Otherwise, you usually pay too much if you don’t know how to compare your problem to the fix offered.
There is a starting point for auto tune-up and repair options, regardless of your automotive needs. I call them options for a repair-avoiding solution sent to your door guaranteed to do as advertised.
Reading a few of my auto tune-up and repair option pages will give you an advantage so you know the mechanic knows what to fix. And not just start replacing uncalled-for good parts - running up the bill by thousands. For his profit at your expense.
Here's how it works from what I have thousands of repair shops using as the best way to solve their fuel, engine, transmission, radiator, steering, and a/c trouble, doing so in a way that ends up helping every part work universally smooth.
Cars do not need repair when having a problem.
Imagine Something You Pour Into Your Cars Troubled Component, And Its Problem Disappears Without Ever Having Trouble Again. Now, That's a Win-Win Automotive Fix You need!
Now, Thanks to a string of chemistry advances by 3 automotive additive researchers, Bud Easterlines Mega Power Additives are the ones sold here, anyone may pour in an additive into his vehicles to fix his automotive quirks. Added to their cars oils, and fluids to end their vehicles and diesel problems for around $100, not $5000 or more.
Mega Power Additives ends of a century-long string of lubrication weaknesses that cut vehicle life in half - and throw in a few $2000 to $10,000 repairs [sludge, friction binding, premature wear out causes ) into your life - are now ending for many—a win-win service for them. Chose the menu button to find them.
ME? A word about me in all this of helping you be your cars Super Hero...
My name is george christ and since 2007 I've been online as America's Car and Diesel Care, Endurance, and Problem Solving Expert.
Helping people with my Auto Repair Options to help you end your vehicle problems, listing 400 recipes. Each street-proven to work as advertisedwithwho have a operating or mechanical problem end them with Mega Power Additives. Not by repair, but by avoiding repair and its expense, with additives. Millions have found it so!
I'm a special kind of mechanic. I'm trained to use the same dianostic equipment surgeons use in the operating room - only before they did, and on cars - like engineers used.
The field results of using additives and rechecking, the problem ended and repair was not needed. This result intrigued me.
I waned to know why these additives could do so? My Discovery.
A certain set of additives will stop leaks. Others will crawl pass ssludge blocked passaways and free up and lube stuck pars causing a gera shift or tapping problem. Others, will sweep clean the combustion area of carbon causing problems. Other will free piston rings and valve stuck causing the end of theiir problem.
This site list the recipes for them for 400 problems. Each street proven to work as advetised.
Early in life I started on a search to find ways to extend the life on my bicycles, then scooters, then motorcycles, then cars and diesel equipment. These additives were the solution.
The methods shown here have given me and my family [and thousands of others who follow the methods [ I promote] the way to have a better life by avoiding tens of thousands in repair expense avoidance. Using that unspent money to pay down other family needs. Keeps my vehicles and my customers vehicles going years past when others - using other methods pay thousand fo repair... we ended them for a few hundred dollars. Amazing.
This started when a friend suggested I work for a company selling additives that offered those problem solving, and endurance adding fetures, I was always in hopes of finding.
This site list what they taught me as this alternative auto repair option. The solutions hidden from most, that solve or end automotive performace and mechanical problems. Using special additives. That's the auto repair option here for you.
I explain each problem cause, what doesn't work and why. What the actual repair does about the cause. Why repair is not the end of car problems.
And how these amazing products can do the fix producted by Mega Power Additives. The company making them.
Seeing the need for repair options to keep more money in my pocket with them, I love the system. So do all who service their vehicles with them - bumper to bumper.
As a repair shop owner these products provide me aa more profitable repair way to help customers keep their cars running better - they see and appriciate. Return for more of its servicing to keep its driving smoothnes in their vehicles going.
As a distributor of these products, I teach auto repair shops their profit side benefits. Show equipment owners their way to reduces repair and downtime expenses - and add the savings to the profit coulmn. Help individuals use this additives to return any vehicle to its like-new state - no matter even if worn and having a serious internal wear problem. To keep them running great indifinitely.
I'm ready to show you what to use, I teach mechanics to offer their customers as an option - Mega Power additives.
See how they can end your engine transmission radiator steering a/c troubles economically. And those bad additives to stay away from.
How To Add Additives To End Your Vehicle Problems:
Ending your engine troubles with additives.
While a broken part - shuts down your engine or component - and needs replacement to end the problem. That's rarely the case and the reason for an additive fix. Why so?
The secret to their magic.
99 out of 100 times a vehicles problem is a tiny hole, or upsetting sludge friction carbon problem - causing their life and car problems. And all 3 are problems additives [it takes more than one] can remove as the fix. Sound Good to you?
Here are which ones to use and where... and those to avoid.
Some additives harmful to engine to stay away from. I'll tell you which to avoid.
For auto repair options and the addditives for engine problem solving : I swear by the following 6 treatments as the real way to end your vehicle problem. Why?
ME? A word about me in all this of helping you be your cars Super Hero...
My name is george christ and since 2007 I've been online as America's Car and Diesel Care, Endurance, and Problem Solving Expert.
Helping people who have a operating or mechanical problem end them with Mega Power Additives. Not by repair, but by avoiding repair and its expense, with additives. Millions have found it so!
I'm a special kind of mechanic. I'm trained to use the same dianostic equipment surgeons use in the operating room - only before they did, and on cars - like engineers used.
The field results of using additives and rechecking, the problem ended and repair was not needed. This result intrigued me.
I waned to know why these additives could do so? My Discovery.
A certain set of additives will stop leaks. Others will crawl pass ssludge blocked passaways and free up and lube stuck pars causing a gera shift or tapping problem. Others, wil sweep clean the combustion area of carbon causing problems. Other will free piston rings and valve stuck causing the end of theiir problem.
This site list the reipe for them for 400 problems. Each street proven to work as advetised.
Early in life I started on a search to find ways to extend the life on my bicycles, then scooters, then motorcycles, then cars and diesel equipment. These additives were the solution.
The methods shown here have given me and my family [and thousands of others who follow the methods [ I promote] the way to have a better life by avoiding tens of thousands in repair expense avoidance. Using that unspent money to pay down other family needs. Keeps my vehicles and my customers vehicles going years past when others - using other methods pay thousand fo repair... we ended them for a few hundred dollars. Amazing.
This started when a friend suggested I work for a company selling additives that offered those problem solving, and endurance adding fetures, I was always in hopes of finding.
This site list what they taught me as this alternative auto repair option. The solutions hidden from most, that solve or end automotive performace and mechanical problems. Using special additives. That's the auto repair option here for you.
I explain each problem cause, what doesn't work and why. What the actual repair does about the cause. Why repair is not the end of car problems.
And how these amazing products can do the fix producted by Mega Power Additives. The company making them.
Seeing the need for repair options to keep more money in my pocket with them, I love the system. So do all who service their vehicles with them - bumper to bumper.
As a repair shop owner these products provide me aa more profitable repair way to help customers keep their cars running better - they see and appriciate. Return for more of its servicing to keep its driving smoothnes in their vehicles going.
As a distributor of these products, I teach auto repair shops their profit side benefits. Show equipment owners their way to reduces repair and downtime expenses - and add the savings to the profit coulmn. Help individuals use this additives to return any vehicle to its like-new state - no matter even if worn and having a serious internal wear problem. To keep them running great indifinitely.
I'm ready to show you what to use, I teach mechanics to offer their customers as an option - Mega Power additives.
See how they can end your engine transmission radiator steering a/c troubles economically. And those bad additives to stay away from.
How To Add Additives To End Your Vehicle Problems:
Ending your engine troubles with additives.
While a broken part - shuts down your engine or component - and needs replacement to end the problem. That's rarely the case and the reason for an additive fix. Why so?
The secret to their magic.
99 out of 100 times a vehicles problem is a tiny hole, or upsetting sludge friction carbon problem - causing their life and car problems. And all 3 are problems additives [it takes more than one] can remove as the fix. Sound Good to you?
Here are which ones to use and where... and those to avoid.
Some additives are harmful to engines, so stay away from them. I'll tell you which to avoid.
For more auto repair options and the addditives for automotive problem solving click the menu buttons...end Hero-proven-auto-repair-solutions.